Friday, March 7, 2014


Trying to think of a way to get to know your students better? Need an idea?

These are some of my favorite ICEBREAKERS among many many more, but these are great for individual and small group counseling! I've used all of these in every internship and the students absolutely loved them.

This ICE BREAKER is great for students in intermediate grades and works well in small group counseling. The students simply write and color in the different sections of the robot and share at the end of the session. School Counselors should also be asking questions and facilitating this process. Gaining Rapport is the goal! I have used this numerous times in small groups when getting to know each other. The students love love love this one!     

This ICE BREAKER is great for primary grades and can be comprised of tons and tons of different questions. Each student gets a bag of M&M's and questions that correlate to each color of the M&M's. Again the School Counselor should be working along with the students and even completing the ICE BREAKER too. Ensure the students eat the color of the M&M's as they go through the ICE BREAKER or else they will eat them all at the beginning! The students eat this one up, literally! ;)   

This ICE BREAKER works well for students K-12 because the questions can be altered for each grade level. School Counselors should have the students choose the popsicle stick themselves and read it or depending on the grade level the School Counselor can read the question aloud. Each student chooses a stick and passes the popsicle sticks along. I have used this with Kindergarten students and even Seniors in High School, both whom love the ICE BREAKER. Throw some silly questions into the pile and even answer some yourself, again gaining rapport is key! 

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